Sunday, August 29, 2010

Students Against Drunk Hookups

That friends don't let friends drive drunk is a given, but what about other risky behaviors, like hooking up? An article from the National Communications Association reports that, among college students, at least, most wouldn't let friends do this either.

Nearly 80 percent of students participating in an interactive simulation designed by scholars at Arizona State University, Rutgers, and The State University of New Jersey agreed they'd try to prevent drunk friends from getting themselves into such situations.

“Our study suggests friends often try to protect friends. The interpersonal and persuasive skills they use to do this include many of the same skills they learn in their communication courses,” said Lisa Menegatos, lead author of the study. “The classroom can be a valuable place for students to discuss health issues and develop communication skills that are relevant to their lives outside the classroom.”

Click herefor more details.

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